On behalf of iCare Team, thank God for each one of you. Our greatest desire is for all of your children and friends to feel welcome, honored and cherished at the Eucharistic Table and every single ministry in our Catholic Mass and Social. We stand in awe of your strength, courage and wisdom. We learn from your love how to be, and become better people of faith for God. The book of Isaiah 11:6 says, “Then wolves will live in peace with lambs…And a little child will lead them.” Your children, young or old, are Living Saints for us. They lead all of us into a deeper faith with Jesus by simply being their wonderful and marvelous selves. Thank you for encouraging our faith with who you are each day, forging paths for love, for justice, for mercy, and taking time out of your day to enjoy our faith community called iCare. One iCare parent shares: “iCare has been the biggest blessing for our family. Simply put, it has simplified our life as well as brought us in to community and fellowship with other Catholic families. It has strengthened our love for the Church and we have received many graces that are given to a family who partakes of the Eucharist together. Lastly, it has broken the bonds of home bounded-ness. We are grateful to the people who stand behind iCare. The team welcomes, helps, prays, laughs, and supports us in a million ways! Our faith is stronger than ever now and iCare is one of our biggest miracles.”
November 9 will be our social this month because of the Holidays. Please join us for Class, Mass, Dinner and a Social! We are creating art projects for gifts and to sell at the Christmas Shop at Queen on Dec. 7 & 8th. Please join us for a night of pure enjoyment with your iCare family!
Join this amazing class of learning more about God at 5:00-5:45pm on November 9, followed by an Adaptive Mass and Social! All classes are based on the Gospel Readings with adaptive art, visual and auditory, along with kinesthetics! Grow as an iCare community closer to Christ with your friends and families.
iCare Kansas City Chapter opens up for our Kansas City friends with Special Needs and their families. First Adaptive Mass is November 2nd, at 6:00pm, followed by Dinner and Social with prizes! All are welcome! Please consider visiting our iCare Mass and witness everyone being included and participating at Mass! Fr. Don Farnan and the people of St. Charles are welcoming us with open arms. We are so grateful for this opportunity!