Dress up as your favorite Saint or wear your Halloween Costume! God Chats at 5, Mass at 6, Halloween Party at 7pm! Barbecue, Birthday cupcakes and gluten free brownies, decorate pumpkins and play name that tune! Prizes for costumes, participation in the games and being your awesome self! Join us for all the fun & festivities! Bring your friends!
Every time iCare OP Chapter meets, 2nd & 4th Saturday, Join us if you are a parent or caregiver of one of our iCare community friends with Special Needs. At the same time the community is learning about God from 5-5:45pm, the parents gather in a circle friendship and support. Come get to know your fellow friend on this wonderful journey. We are close enough if a teacher or your child needs you, and we will share some of our wisdom and sense of humor.