Finding Joy in Your Unique Vocation:
Based on the themes of her book, Kelly Mantoan will discuss the stages of grief many special
needs parents go through and how parents can look past the sorrow of their child’s diagnosis to
find the joy in everyday life. That joy can strengthen in caring and advocating for their child. While
our lives as special needs parents may look different, even challenging, parents and children can
successfully live out God’s plans for their lives.
An ASL interpreter will be available for those who need that accommodation.
About the Presenter
Kelly Mantoan is a Catholic author of “Better Than Ok—Finding Joy as a Special Needs Parent,”
wife, mother and founder of Accepting the Gift, an apostolate for
Catholic special needs parents.
“Every day is joyful. Every day is a gift. Every day I can thank God from
the bottom of my heart,” she said. Kelly wasn’t always able to say these
words. As a mother of five children, two with profound disabilities, all her
energy and attention was focused on her children’s diagnoses. Drained
and struggling, Kelly wondered if she had what it took to be the kind of
parent they needed. She craved support as a Catholic parent with
special needs children, but most secular support groups couldn’t help
her see and understand God’s plan.